wtorek, 5 lutego 2013

Catching Fire - Chapter 1 (5)


worn hunting boots for a pair of expensive machine-made shoes that my mother
thinks are more appropriate for someone of my status. I've already stowed my
bow and arrows in a hollow log in the woods. Although time is ticking away, I
allow myself a few minutes to sit in the kitchen. It has an abandoned quality with
no fire on the hearth, no cloth on the table. I mourn my old life here. We barely
scraped by, but I knew where I fit in, I knew what my place was in the tightly
interwoven fabric that was our life. I wish I could go back to it because, in
retrospect, it seems so secure compared with now, when I am so rich and so
famous and so hated by the authorities in the Capitol.

A wailing at the back door demands my attention. I open it to find Buttercup,
Prim's scruffy old tomcat. He dislikes the new house almost as much as I do
and always leaves it when my sister's at school. We've never been particularly
fond of each other, but now we have this new bond. I let him in, feed him a
chunk of beaver fat, and even rub him between the ears for a bit. “You're
hideous, you know that, right?” I ask him. Buttercup nudges my hand for more
petting, but we have to go. “Come on, you.” I scoop him up with one hand, grab
my game bag with the other, and haul them both

worn - znoszony
appropriate - stosowny
stow - umieścić, spakować, składać(bagaż)
bow - łuk
hollow - dziurawy
time is ticking away - czas przemija
abandoned - opuszczony
hearth - palenisko
mourn - opłakiwać
scrape by - wiązać koniec z końcem
barely - ledwo
wpasować się - fit in
ciasno - tightly
wpleciony - interwoven
fabric - materiał
Chciałabym do niego wrócić - I wish I could go back into it.
z perspektywy czasu - in retrospect
bezpieczny - secure
w porównaniu z - compared with
zawodzenie, wycie - wailing
za drzwiami z tyłu - at the back door
wymagać uwagi - demand attention
brudny, niechlujny - scruffy
nie lubić - dislike
prawie - almost
tak bardzo jak ja - as much as I do
przepadać za sobą nawzajem - be fond of each other
wpuścić - let sb in
kawał - chunk
pocierać - rub
ohydny - hideous
szturchnąć - nudge
Podnoszę go jedną ręką - I scoop him up with one hand.
chwytać - grab
chwytam drugą ręką - grab it with the other