Do you have anything available?
Tomas I was wondering how much a double room is for three nights?
Receptionist It’s a hundred pounds a night and that includes a full English breakfast, satellite television and VAT.
Tomas Yeah? Do you have anything available from today?
Receptionist Let me just check our availability for you … Yes, we have a room available. It comes with a shower or a bath. Which would you prefer?
Tomas Bath would be really good, please.
available - wolny, dostępny
to wonder - zastanawiać się czy/dlaczego
double room - pokój dwuosobowy z podwójnym łóżkiem
to include - zawierać, obejmować, być wliczonym (w cenę)
full English breakfast - pełne angielskie śniadanie (z jajkami i bekonem)
VAT - Value Added Tax – podatek od wartości dodanej, od
towarów i usług
to check availability - sprawdzić, czy są wolne/dostępne – miejsca, bilety,
oferty itd.
shower - prysznic
bath - wanna
to prefer - woleć
Zwróć uwagę na różnicę między:
a double room (pokój dwuosobowy z jednym podwójnym łóżkiem), i
a twin room (pokój dwuosobowy z dwoma pojedynczymi łóżkami)
Pytając o cenę pokoju w hotelu możemy powiedzieć, tak jak to zrobił Tomas
I was wondering how much a double room is
albo, zapytać krócej i wprost
How much is a double room, please?
Pytając o to, czy są wolne pokoje w hotelu, miejsca w samolocie, oferty na
wycieczki itd – użyjemy albo przymiotnika
i zapytamy
Have you got anything available, please?
albo użyjemy rzeczownika
i zapytamy
Could you check the availability for me, please?
uzupełnij zdania:
1. If something can be obtained, it is (available, enviable, availed).
2. English breakfast is (bigger, smaller, the same as) continental breakfast.
3. You (correct, check, test) availability.
odpowiedzi na www.bbc.pl
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wtorek, 28 maja 2013
niedziela, 26 maja 2013
BBC - Get that job - 02
Get your CV noticed
Emma: How long do you spend looking at each one?
John: It could be as little as 10 seconds. It could, for a serious look, be 2 minutes, but it is seldom going to be more than 2 minutes. And the impact has got to be made, generally, in the first minute.
Emma: Not long at all.
John: No.
Emma: How else can you get your CV noticed when it's sitting with, say, a pile of others on your desk?
John: The standard technique, which is to use an exciting coloured paper, is probably very helpful, provided it's not a colour you can't photocopy from later. And also, very important, legible typefaces, if it's typed rather than handwritten.
CV - życiorys zawodowy, CV (od łacińskiego: curriculum
not at all - wcale nie,
seldom - rzadko
propably - prawdopodobnie
generally - ogólnie
pile - sterta, stos
to notice - zauważać
to spend - spędzać (tu: czas)
impact - silny wpływ, siła uderzenia, tu: silne wrażenie
pile - stos
exciting (paper) - tu: rzucający się w oczy, interesujący
coloured - kolorowy
helpful - pomocny
legible - czytelny
typeface - krój czcionki, pisma
to type - pisać na maszynie/komputerze
to hand-write - pisać ręcznie
to notice – to get noticed
jeśli coś zauważasz – you notice it
jeśli chcesz sprawić, aby coś zostało zauważone – you try and get it noticed
to make an impact
you make an impact on something or somebody – wywierasz silny wpływ na coś
lub kogoś, robisz silne wrażenie
Amerykanie nie używają terminu curriculum vitae, zamiast niego stosują resume
uzupełnij zdania:
1. Her CV made a big (pact, packed, impact) on the interviewer.
2. The opposite of legible is (il-, ill-, un-) legible.
3. A set of letters of a particular design, used in printing is called a (typist, typescript, typeface).
1. impact
2. il-
3. typeface
Get your CV noticed
Emma: How long do you spend looking at each one?
John: It could be as little as 10 seconds. It could, for a serious look, be 2 minutes, but it is seldom going to be more than 2 minutes. And the impact has got to be made, generally, in the first minute.
Emma: Not long at all.
John: No.
Emma: How else can you get your CV noticed when it's sitting with, say, a pile of others on your desk?
John: The standard technique, which is to use an exciting coloured paper, is probably very helpful, provided it's not a colour you can't photocopy from later. And also, very important, legible typefaces, if it's typed rather than handwritten.
CV - życiorys zawodowy, CV (od łacińskiego: curriculum
not at all - wcale nie,
seldom - rzadko
propably - prawdopodobnie
generally - ogólnie
pile - sterta, stos
to notice - zauważać
to spend - spędzać (tu: czas)
impact - silny wpływ, siła uderzenia, tu: silne wrażenie
pile - stos
exciting (paper) - tu: rzucający się w oczy, interesujący
coloured - kolorowy
helpful - pomocny
legible - czytelny
typeface - krój czcionki, pisma
to type - pisać na maszynie/komputerze
to hand-write - pisać ręcznie
to notice – to get noticed
jeśli coś zauważasz – you notice it
jeśli chcesz sprawić, aby coś zostało zauważone – you try and get it noticed
to make an impact
you make an impact on something or somebody – wywierasz silny wpływ na coś
lub kogoś, robisz silne wrażenie
Amerykanie nie używają terminu curriculum vitae, zamiast niego stosują resume
uzupełnij zdania:
1. Her CV made a big (pact, packed, impact) on the interviewer.
2. The opposite of legible is (il-, ill-, un-) legible.
3. A set of letters of a particular design, used in printing is called a (typist, typescript, typeface).
1. impact
2. il-
3. typeface
poniedziałek, 20 maja 2013
Catching Fire - Chapter 1 (13)
Spewing profanity, he slashes the air a few moments before coming to his
senses. He wipes his face on his shirtsleeve and turns to the windowsill where I
perch, just in case I need to make a quick exit.
“What are you doing?” he sputters.
“You told me to wake you an hour before the cameras come,” I say.
“What?” he says.
“Your idea,” I insist.
He seems to remember. “Why am I all wet?”
“I couldn't shake you awake,” I say. “Look, if you wanted to be babied, you
should have asked Peeta.”
“Asked me what?” Just the sound of his voice twists my stomach into a knot of
unpleasant emotions like guilt, sadness, and fear. And longing. I might as well
admit there's some of that, too. Only it has too much competition to ever win
I watch as Peeta crosses to the table, the sunlight from the window picking up
the glint of fresh snow in his blond hair. He looks strong and healthy, so
different from the sick, starving boy I knew in the arena, and you can barely
even notice his limp now. He sets a loaf of fresh-baked bread on the table and
holds out his hand to Haymitch.
“Asked you to wake me without giving me pneumonia,” says Haymitch, passing
over his knife. He pulls off his filthy shirt, revealing an equally soiled undershirt,
and rubs himself down with the dry part.
spew - bluzgać,
profanity - przekleństwo,
bluzgać przekleństwami - spew profanity,
przeciąć - slash,
pójść po rozum do głowy - come to your senses,
wytrzeć coś o coś - wipe sth on sth,
wytarł twarz o kawałek koszulki - He wipes his face on his shirtsleeve,
rękak koszuli - shirtsleeve,
parapet - windowsill,
siadać - perch,
na wszelki wypadek - just in case,
bełkotać - sputter,
uparcie twierdzić - insist,
skręcić coś w coś - twist sth into sth,
poczucie winy - guilt,
tęsknota - longing,
odnieść sukces - win out,
błyszczeć - glint,
być bardzo głodnym - be starving,
słaby - limp,
obrzydliwy - filthy,
odsłaniający - revealing,
jednakowo - equally,
pobrudzony - soiled,
osuszam się ręcznikiem - rub myself down with towel,
wyciągać rękę do - hold out hand to,
Spewing profanity, he slashes the air a few moments before coming to his
senses. He wipes his face on his shirtsleeve and turns to the windowsill where I
perch, just in case I need to make a quick exit.
“What are you doing?” he sputters.
“You told me to wake you an hour before the cameras come,” I say.
“What?” he says.
“Your idea,” I insist.
He seems to remember. “Why am I all wet?”
“I couldn't shake you awake,” I say. “Look, if you wanted to be babied, you
should have asked Peeta.”
“Asked me what?” Just the sound of his voice twists my stomach into a knot of
unpleasant emotions like guilt, sadness, and fear. And longing. I might as well
admit there's some of that, too. Only it has too much competition to ever win
I watch as Peeta crosses to the table, the sunlight from the window picking up
the glint of fresh snow in his blond hair. He looks strong and healthy, so
different from the sick, starving boy I knew in the arena, and you can barely
even notice his limp now. He sets a loaf of fresh-baked bread on the table and
holds out his hand to Haymitch.
“Asked you to wake me without giving me pneumonia,” says Haymitch, passing
over his knife. He pulls off his filthy shirt, revealing an equally soiled undershirt,
and rubs himself down with the dry part.
spew - bluzgać,
profanity - przekleństwo,
bluzgać przekleństwami - spew profanity,
przeciąć - slash,
pójść po rozum do głowy - come to your senses,
wytrzeć coś o coś - wipe sth on sth,
wytarł twarz o kawałek koszulki - He wipes his face on his shirtsleeve,
rękak koszuli - shirtsleeve,
parapet - windowsill,
siadać - perch,
na wszelki wypadek - just in case,
bełkotać - sputter,
uparcie twierdzić - insist,
skręcić coś w coś - twist sth into sth,
poczucie winy - guilt,
tęsknota - longing,
odnieść sukces - win out,
błyszczeć - glint,
być bardzo głodnym - be starving,
słaby - limp,
obrzydliwy - filthy,
odsłaniający - revealing,
jednakowo - equally,
pobrudzony - soiled,
osuszam się ręcznikiem - rub myself down with towel,
wyciągać rękę do - hold out hand to,
czwartek, 9 maja 2013
Catching Fire - Chapter 1 (12)
My nose immediately wrinkles in disgust. Haymitch refuses to let anyone in to
clean and does a poor job himself. Over the years the odors of liquor and vomit,
boiled cabbage and burned meat, unwashed clothes and mouse droppings
have intermingled into a stench that brings tears to my eyes. I wade through a
litter of discarded wrappings, broken glass, and bones to where I know I will find
Haymitch. He sits at the kitchen table, his arms sprawled across the wood, his
face in a puddle of liquor, snoring his head off.
I nudge his shoulder. “Get up!” I say loudly, because I've learned there's no
subtle way to wake him. His snoring stops for a moment, questioningly, and
then resumes. I push him harder. “Get up, Haymitch. It's tour day!” I force the
window up, inhaling deep breaths of the clean air outside. My feet shift through
the garbage on the floor, and I unearth a tin coffeepot and fill it at the sink. The
stove isn't completely out and I manage to coax the few live coals into a flame. I
pour some ground coffee into the pot, enough to make sure the resulting brew
will be good and strong, and set it on the stove to boil.
Haymitch is still dead to the world. Since nothing else has worked, I fill a basin
with icy cold water, dump it on his head, and spring out of the way. A guttural
animal sound comes from his throat. He jumps up, kicking his chair ten feet
behind him and wielding a knife. I forgot he always sleeps with one clutched in
his hand. I should have pried it from his fingers, but I've had a lot on my mind.
zmarszczyć - wrinkle,
odmawiać, nie zgodzić się - refuse,
odór - odor,
wymioty - vomit,
gotowany - boiled,
kaupusta - cabbage,
nieumyty - unwashed,
łajno - droppings,
wymieszać, zlewać się z - intermingle,
smród - stench,
brodzic przez - wade through,
wyrzucać - discard,
opakowanie - wrapping,
rozciągać się - sprawl,
kałuża - puddle,
chrapanie - snoring,
zapobiegać czemuś - head off,
szturchnąć - nudge,
subtelny - subtle,
pytająco - questioningly,
wznawiać - resume,
przesunąć - shift,
śmieci - garbage,
wydobywać, ujawniać - unearth,
blaszany - tin,
napełnić to w zlewie - fill it at the sink,
kuchenka - stove,
zdołać - manage,
namówić - coax,
płomień - flame,
nalewać - pour,
garnek - pot,
parzyć(herbatę) - brew,
nastawiłam to na kuchenkę - set it on the stove,
miska - besin,
wyrzucić to na - dump it on,
wyskoczyć z czegoś - spring out of sth,
gardłowy - guttural,
władać bronią - wield,
trzymać kurczowo w ręce - clutch in hand,
Mam dużo problemów - I have a lot on my mind,
My nose immediately wrinkles in disgust. Haymitch refuses to let anyone in to
clean and does a poor job himself. Over the years the odors of liquor and vomit,
boiled cabbage and burned meat, unwashed clothes and mouse droppings
have intermingled into a stench that brings tears to my eyes. I wade through a
litter of discarded wrappings, broken glass, and bones to where I know I will find
Haymitch. He sits at the kitchen table, his arms sprawled across the wood, his
face in a puddle of liquor, snoring his head off.
I nudge his shoulder. “Get up!” I say loudly, because I've learned there's no
subtle way to wake him. His snoring stops for a moment, questioningly, and
then resumes. I push him harder. “Get up, Haymitch. It's tour day!” I force the
window up, inhaling deep breaths of the clean air outside. My feet shift through
the garbage on the floor, and I unearth a tin coffeepot and fill it at the sink. The
stove isn't completely out and I manage to coax the few live coals into a flame. I
pour some ground coffee into the pot, enough to make sure the resulting brew
will be good and strong, and set it on the stove to boil.
Haymitch is still dead to the world. Since nothing else has worked, I fill a basin
with icy cold water, dump it on his head, and spring out of the way. A guttural
animal sound comes from his throat. He jumps up, kicking his chair ten feet
behind him and wielding a knife. I forgot he always sleeps with one clutched in
his hand. I should have pried it from his fingers, but I've had a lot on my mind.
zmarszczyć - wrinkle,
odmawiać, nie zgodzić się - refuse,
odór - odor,
wymioty - vomit,
gotowany - boiled,
kaupusta - cabbage,
nieumyty - unwashed,
łajno - droppings,
wymieszać, zlewać się z - intermingle,
smród - stench,
brodzic przez - wade through,
wyrzucać - discard,
opakowanie - wrapping,
rozciągać się - sprawl,
kałuża - puddle,
chrapanie - snoring,
zapobiegać czemuś - head off,
szturchnąć - nudge,
subtelny - subtle,
pytająco - questioningly,
wznawiać - resume,
przesunąć - shift,
śmieci - garbage,
wydobywać, ujawniać - unearth,
blaszany - tin,
napełnić to w zlewie - fill it at the sink,
kuchenka - stove,
zdołać - manage,
namówić - coax,
płomień - flame,
nalewać - pour,
garnek - pot,
parzyć(herbatę) - brew,
nastawiłam to na kuchenkę - set it on the stove,
miska - besin,
wyrzucić to na - dump it on,
wyskoczyć z czegoś - spring out of sth,
gardłowy - guttural,
władać bronią - wield,
trzymać kurczowo w ręce - clutch in hand,
Mam dużo problemów - I have a lot on my mind,
wtorek, 7 maja 2013
Catching Fire - Chapter 1 (11)b
mother said, “Your cousins can hardly wait to see you!” Then I turned and saw
Gale and Hazelle and all the kids waiting for me, so what could I do but go
Greasy Sae knows we're not related, but even some of the people who have
known us for years seem to have forgotten.
“I just can't wait for the whole thing to be over,” I whisper.
“I know,” says Greasy Sae. “But you've got to go through it to get to the end of
it. Better not be late.”
A light snow starts to fall as I make my way to the Victor's Village. It's about a
half-mile walk from the square in the center of town, but it seems like another
world entirely.
It's a separate community built around a beautiful green, dotted with flowering
bushes. There are twelve houses, each large enough to hold ten of the one I
was raised in. Nine stand empty, as they always have. The three in use belong
to Haymitch, Peeta, and me.
The houses inhabited by my family and Peeta give off a warm glow of life. Lit
windows, smoke from the chimneys, bunches of brightly colored corn affixed to
the front doors as decoration for the upcoming Harvest Festival. However,
Haymitch's house, despite the care taken by the grounds-keeper, exudes an air
of abandonment and neglect. I brace myself at his front door, knowing it will be
foul, then push inside.
ledwo - hardly,
przyjść - go along,
spokrewniony - related,
przejść przez to - go through it,
odrębny - separate,
kwitnący - flowering,
krzak - bush,
podwyższać - raise,
zamieszkany - inhabited ,
wydzielać coś - give off,
bukiet - bunch,
jaskrawy (w odniesieniu do koloru) - brightly,
kukurydza - corn,
przymocowany do - affixed to,
nadchodzący - upcoming,
jakkolwiek - however,
pomimo - despite,
wydzielać - exude,
opuszczenie - abandonment,
zaniedbanie - neglect,
zaniedbać - neglect,
przygotowałam siebie - I brace myself,
okropny - foul,
mother said, “Your cousins can hardly wait to see you!” Then I turned and saw
Gale and Hazelle and all the kids waiting for me, so what could I do but go
Greasy Sae knows we're not related, but even some of the people who have
known us for years seem to have forgotten.
“I just can't wait for the whole thing to be over,” I whisper.
“I know,” says Greasy Sae. “But you've got to go through it to get to the end of
it. Better not be late.”
A light snow starts to fall as I make my way to the Victor's Village. It's about a
half-mile walk from the square in the center of town, but it seems like another
world entirely.
It's a separate community built around a beautiful green, dotted with flowering
bushes. There are twelve houses, each large enough to hold ten of the one I
was raised in. Nine stand empty, as they always have. The three in use belong
to Haymitch, Peeta, and me.
The houses inhabited by my family and Peeta give off a warm glow of life. Lit
windows, smoke from the chimneys, bunches of brightly colored corn affixed to
the front doors as decoration for the upcoming Harvest Festival. However,
Haymitch's house, despite the care taken by the grounds-keeper, exudes an air
of abandonment and neglect. I brace myself at his front door, knowing it will be
foul, then push inside.
ledwo - hardly,
przyjść - go along,
spokrewniony - related,
przejść przez to - go through it,
odrębny - separate,
kwitnący - flowering,
krzak - bush,
podwyższać - raise,
zamieszkany - inhabited ,
wydzielać coś - give off,
bukiet - bunch,
jaskrawy (w odniesieniu do koloru) - brightly,
kukurydza - corn,
przymocowany do - affixed to,
nadchodzący - upcoming,
jakkolwiek - however,
pomimo - despite,
wydzielać - exude,
opuszczenie - abandonment,
zaniedbanie - neglect,
zaniedbać - neglect,
przygotowałam siebie - I brace myself,
okropny - foul,
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