niedziela, 24 marca 2013

Catching Fire - Chapter 1 (9)

The liquor isn't for my family. It's for Haymitch, who acted as mentor for Peeta
and me in the Games. He's surly, violent, and drunk most of the time. But he did
his job — more than his job—because for the first time in history, two tributes
were allowed to win. So no matter who Haymitch is, I owe him, too. And that's
for always. I'm getting the white liquor because a few weeks ago he ran out and
there was none for sale and he had a withdrawal, shaking and screaming at
terrifying things only he could see. He scared Prim to death and, frankly, it
wasn't much fun for me to see him like that, either. Ever since then I've been
sort of stockpiling the stuff just in case there's a shortage again.
Cray, our Head Peacekeeper, frowns when he sees me with the bottles. He's an
older man with a few strands of silver hair combed sideways above his bright
red face.
That stuff's too strong for you, girl.” He should know. Next to
Haymitch, Cray drinks more than anyone I've ever met.
“Aw, my mother uses it in medicines,” I say indifferently.

“Well, it'd kill just about anything,” he says, and slaps down a coin for a bottle.

When I reach Greasy Sae's stall, I boost myself up to sit on the counter and
order some soup, which looks to be some kind of gourd and bean mixture. A
Peacekeeper named Darius comes up and buys a bowl while I'm eating. As law
enforcers go, he's one of my favorites. Never really throwing his weight around,
usually good for a joke. He's probably in his twenties, but he doesn't seem
much older than I do. Something about his smile, his red hair that sticks out
every which way, gives him a boyish quality.

gburowaty - surly,
porywczy - violent,
przez większość czasu - most of the time,
skończyły się zapasy - run out,
przestraszył mnie na śmierć - he scared me to death,
szczerze - frankly,
odtąd - ever since,
magazynowanie - stockpiling,
na wszelki wypadek - just in case,
niedobór - shortage,
marszczyć brwi - frown,
kosmyk - strand,
włosy zaczesane na bok - hair combed sideways,
odpowiedzieć obojętnie - say indifferently,
rzucać ponete - slaps down a coin,
kiedy dochodzę do straganu - when I reach stall,
wskakuję - boost myself up,
za ladą - on the counter,
on podchodzi - he comes up,
kontroler - enforcer,
on nigdy nie rządzi się -  never really throwing his weight around,
nie wydaje się dużo starszy ode mnie - He doesn't seem much older than I do,
włosy sterczące na wszystkie strony - hair that sticks out every which way,
cecha charakterystyczna - quality,
chłopięcy - boyish,

sobota, 23 marca 2013

Catching Fire - Chapter 1 (8)

My next stop is the Hob, where I've traditionally done the bulk of my trading.
Years ago it was a warehouse to store coal, but when it fell into disuse, it
became a meeting place for illegal trades and then blossomed into a full-time
black market. If it attracts a somewhat criminal element, then I belong here, I
guess. Hunting in the woods surrounding District 12 violates at least a dozen
laws and is punishable by death.

Although they never mention it, I owe the people who frequent the Hob. Gale
told me that Greasy Sae, the old woman who serves up soup, started a
collection to sponsor Peeta and me during the Games. It was supposed to be
just a Hob thing, but a lot of other people heard about it and chipped in. I don't
know exactly how much it was, and the price of any gift in the arena was
exorbitant. But for all I know, it made the difference between my life and death.
It's still odd to drag open the front door with an empty game bag, with nothing to
trade, and instead feel the heavy pocket of coins against my hip. I try to hit as
many stalls as possible, spreading out my purchases of coffee, buns, eggs,
yarn, and oil. As an afterthought, I buy three bottles of white liquor from a onearmed
woman named Ripper, a victim of a mine accident who was smart
enough to find a way to stay alive.

tradycyjnie - traditionally,
większość - bulk,
handel - trading,
dawniej - years ago,
magazyn - warehouse,
popaść - fell into,
nieużywanie - disuese,
nielegalny - illegal
kwitnąć w - blossomed into,
przyciągać - attract,
naruszać - violate,
karalny - punishable,
Jestem dłużna ludziom którzy - I owe the people who,
częsty - frequent,
serwować zupę - serve up soup,
składać się na coś - chip in,
przesadny - exorbitant,
wlec - drag,
odwiedzić stoiska - hit stalls,
to tu to tam - spread out,
po namyśle - as an afterthought,
jednoręki - onearmed,

wtorek, 19 marca 2013

Catching Fire - Chapter 1 (7)

Hazelle smiles when she sees the game. She takes the beaver by the tail,
feeling its weight. “He's going to make a nice stew.” Unlike Gale, she has no
problem with our hunting arrangement.
“Good pelt, too,” I answer. It's comforting here with Hazelle. Weighing the merits
of the game, just as we always have. She pours me a mug of herb tea, which I
wrap my chilled fingers around gratefully. “You know, when I get back from the
tour, I was thinking I might take Rory out with me sometimes. After school.
Teach him to shoot.”
Hazelle nods. “That'd be good. Gale means to, but he's only got his Sundays,
and I think he likes saving those for you.”
I can't stop the redness that floods my cheeks. It's stupid, of course. Hardly
anybody knows me better than Hazelle. Knows the bond I share with Gale. I'm
sure plenty of people assumed that we'd eventually get married even if I never
gave it any thought. But that was before the Games. Before my fellow tribute,
Peeta Mellark, announced he was madly in love with me. Our romance became
a key strategy for our survival in the arena. Only it wasn't just a strategy for
Peeta. I'm not sure what it was for me. But I know now it was nothing but painful
for Gale. My chest tightens as I think about how, on the Victory Tour, Peeta and
I will have to present ourselves as lovers again.
I gulp my tea even though it's too hot and push back from the table. “I better get
going. Make myself presentable for the cameras.”
Hazelle hugs me. “Enjoy the food.”
“Absolutely,” I say.

ogon - tail,
gulasz - stew,
w przeciwieństwie do Galea - Unlike Gale,
porozumienie - arrangement,
skóra, futro - pelt,
poprawiający samopoczucie - comforting,
rozważać - weigh,
wartość, zaleta - merit,
opleść palce - wrap fingers,
z wdzięcznością - gratefully,
wyjść z kimś - take sb out,
kiwnąć głową - nods,
rumienię się - redness floods my cheeks,
na pewno nie - hardly,
mnóstwo ludzi - plenty people,
przypuszczać - assume,
w ostateczności - eventually,
towarzysz - fellow,
ogłosić, oznajmić - announce,
szalenie zakochany - madly in love with sb,
ściskać klatke piersiową - my chest tightens,
łykać - gulp,
odsuwać się od stołu - push back from table,
Na mnie pora. - I better get going.